Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Prayer and Performance 3

This Summer our Wednesday evenings are being blessed by times of Prayer and Performance.
Beginning at 7:00pm, we have a service of Evening Prayer, inviting deeper prayers for special concerns as they are shared, then we move into a celebration of God’s gift of music.
Brian Hehn led us in songs of Justice and Peace in “A Wee Sing” modeled after the Iona Community of Scotland.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Prayer and Performance 2

This Summer our Wednesday evenings are being blessed by times of Prayer and Performance.
Beginning at 7:00pm, we have a service of Evening Prayer, inviting deeper prayers for special concerns as they are shared, then we move into a celebration of God’s gift of music. Eve Hehn offered a wonderful Soprano selections around the theme: Despair, Love, Joy tonight.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Prayer and Performance

This Summer our Wednesday evenings are being blessed by times of Prayer and Performance.
Beginning at 7:00pm, we have a service of Evening Prayer, inviting deeper prayers for special concerns as they are shared, then we move into a celebration of God’s gift of music. Laura Onsgard began the series with a portion of her European piano competition program. Such an impressive display of her God-given talent.
Thanks, Laura!