Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Lutheran Note: October 31

This day is celebrated as the historic beginning of the Lutheran Reformation, the beginning of our religious testimony concerning the extent of God’s love, demonstrated on the cross by Christ. On October 31, 1517, Martin Luther pounded his “95 Theses” on the Wittenberg, Germany church door and the Christian faith was reinvigorated!
We have remembered Luther’s witness this month with our “History Hallway” exhibit of posters related to the Reformation, then on Sunday, October 28, at 4pm, we hosted a bi-lingual (German and English) worship service!

Monday, October 1, 2012


This month among Lutherans contains the celebration of the beginning of the Reformation on the last Sunday or last day. We will observe and participate in several events for the Reformation with a poster exhibit, Wednesday evening classes of Reformation persons and activities led by Bishop (emeritus) Mark Herbener, two worship services (one bilingual German/English), and a special choir program.
Martin Luther and his followers stressed the gift of salvation in Jesus Christ, won on the cross, opened to us in the witness of the Bible. You may find your faith stimulated by a discussion with other adults about these critical topics. Certainly, you should hear in October again and again the message of the cross – Christ’s gift of salvation (by grace through faith!), a gift opened to us in the Scriptures.