We survived! No, we thrived!
The Midsummer Arts Festival came and went and we were inspired! Thanks to all the musicians. As one audience member commented: "How do they keep all that in their heads?" Well, they didn't. The music flew from head to finger to instrument and voice. Amazing music! I forget sometimes what a marvelous space we have for music -- the sound just rolls through the building and envelops a listener. Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful -- what more can be said?
The audience enjoyed adding their voices through the Folk Songs, and they must have enjoyed them because when the lead-choir offered to skip one, the audience cried out to sing that one too. Next year, we need more sing-along time.
The ongoing Fine Arts dealt beautifully with the theme of "Despair to Hope" -- thanks go out to those who lent the pictures and graphics on display. And we had some tasty treats to sample as the beauty was appreciated.
The Vespers service was moving for those who spoke German and those of us who can keep up with some German. I think even the English-only speakers were captured by the beauty of the Abendgebet (Evensong / Evening Prayer). And then the Order of St. John fed us royally with delicious grilled Brats (and what was in those beer cups?)
We survived! We thrived! Or hearts were raised at Midsummer!