Wednesday, April 14, 2010

What Would Jesus Do? The Handgrenade Question

I like Garage Sales. You just never know what treasure will be waiting.

This is indeed a treasure:

The question now is -- can I put it on my desk in the church office? It may be funny in an odd way, but I am unsure about "church funny." (Despite the Monty Python "Holy Hand Grenade" moment.) Honestly, this item is not about peace and charity and welcome and forgiveness. OK, I answered my own question -- inappropriate. I think I know what Jesus would do -- keep it out of a church setting.

But what do you think? Inappropriate? Humorous enough to get away with it? Who cares?

1 comment:

  1. WWJD? Inappropriate, but thought provoking... Maybe Jesus, being self giving, would pull the pin and fall on it?
