One aspect of the “call” we will just touch on is the common understanding that clergy / pastors have a special “call.” And though pastors are called by God, they are called to action equally, alongside the teacher, the salesperson, the hospital worker, the scientist. Having said that, the pastor’s call is also from the congregation – to act on behalf of a local church in spreading the Gospel. It is not the pastor’s task alone (that Gospel business belongs to every Christian) but it is the focus for much of the pastor’s life, rather than grading papers or selling shoes or taking blood pressure. Interestingly, when a pastor is asked to come to a congregation, a “Letter of Call” is issued, specifying the expectations of the congregation – how the pastor will act publicly for that community of faith. I keep my “Letter of Call” on display, so I can look at it periodically and remember the expectations of the congregation’s call – to preach and teach the Word of God, to administer the Sacraments, to lead worship and provide the announcement of forgiveness, to provide pastoral care and be a voice for the suffering, to encourage others to be pastors, to remind us of connections to the broader church, and then to equip others for their witness and service. And then the final specific is to guide the congregation in proclaiming God’s love through word and deed. That is the kind of job to which I hope God has called me!
Maybe everyone should write up a “Letter of Call” for whatever that person spends a majority of waking time doing. Such a document could affirm the actions already being pursued, as well as be a challenge to fulfill other aspects of that call. And you know, one of the keys to Luther’s Reformation was that no matter the life-task, all Christians can speak of God’s love (preach and teach), can forgive, can soothe the suffering and assist the forgotten, can encourage persons to serve and support the church, can help others (and themselves!) embrace the task of proclaiming God’s love in word and deed! Together, we are all called to witness and service.
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