This was indeed indeed "In the Beginning" of our Summer "Reel Religion" film festival at First United. About a dozen folks showed up on Wednesday at 7:00pm to watch John Huston's interestingly conservative treatment of the subject (the first 22 chapters or so of Genesis). Perhaps the "Free Popcorn" was the big draw, but I think we all enjoyed the Hollywood-scale treatment of this very religious subject matter. It was interesting to do a little research and discover that the film was not a great money-maker at its release. In fact, many consider it to be the last of the Biblical Epics that Hollywood churned out from the late 1940's through 1966. I think the mid to late 1960's really challenged everything that went before. Even the Adam character (Michael Parks) followed this movie with his 1969 TV series "Then Came Bronson" where he played a restless youth trying to discover himself as he motorcycled on the highways of America. Maybe as the country reevaluated everything, the Bible seemed archaic. Here over 40 years later I think the film holds up as a faithful retelling of the early chapters of Genesis, though Huston is a bit goofy as Noah in my opinion. Catch it on DVD if you were not there on Wednesday!
(Next Wednesday, July 29, "The Nativity" from 2007! And there is more Free Popcorn!)
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