Friday, January 29, 2010

La Vida de Fe

January 25-27, I attended our annual Tri-Synodical Theological Conference in San Antonion, Texas. The Theme was "La Vida de Fe." These conference times are usually opportunities for reconnecting with pastor-professional contacts and clearing one's head to think about the forthcoming year, as well as listening to the topic presented. At First United Lutheran Church we are not currently involved in the main theme -- Latino ministry, but, after the presentation by a demographer, it is apparent that ready or not, we are challenged for Latino ministry. Texas is already "Minority Majority" -- that is, Anglos (aka Whites) are already a minority in the state when all the "minority" groups are added together. Add to that, the likelihood is that by 2020, Texas will be Latino majority and by 2050, the whole of the United States will be Latino majority. (I may not live to see that.) So, the presentations were good awakenings to key concepts and ideas about the Latino experience of the life of faith. Gracias!

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