Well, I have been here a year today. My first anniversary.
Is the honeymoon over? More importantly am I prepared to work at making this relationship happen? Yes. Or as they said up north in my seminary days -- You Betcha, ya sure!
Here are some review items from the year:
We took a photo at the former church location on Cole Avenue for the 86th birthday of the congregation. A new Men-ghetti (Men Who Love Spaghetti) fellowship group was started. A few folks tried their building skills with a Habitat for Humanity house in Old Plano. We shared special worship services for Lent and Advent besides our regular Sunday morning celebration of prayer, singing, Scriptures, sermon, and communion. In addition, we celebrated two special German-language services for Mid-Summer and Reformation Sunday. And some seven languages infused our Pentecost celebration. For Thanksgiving we joined with two area Lutherans congregations for worship. We also hosted the synod-wide Reformation Day “Marty Party” on October 31.
We spruced up the building a bit, especially our long hallway. We offered film festivals of Bible-themed movies as well as the Life of Luther. I also started leading a Thursday morning Bible Study at the Classic Residences, a Senior High Rise nearby. Plus Confirmation classes were initiated.
I Timothy 1:5: “But the aim … is love that comes from a pure heart, a good conscience, and sincere faith.”
Happy First Anniversary, indeed!
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